Social Media Can Help You Collect Evidence During A Divorce

26 May 2020
 Categories: , Blog


Divorce is often an emotionally fueled process. However, when it comes to proving an accusation against your soon-to-be ex-spouse, there is no room for emotions. You must be able to prove everything you say. Social media is one method you can rely on to help prove an allegation against your spouse; learn why.

Hidden Assets

It is unlawful when a person hides assets during a divorce settlement. However, unless you can prove the other person is presenting false information, there is little that can be done. In an instance when one party is claiming to not have any money but has social media posts showing excessive spending, bringing this information to the court is often enough to at least prompt a further investigation initiated by your attorney.

Proof of Adultery

Adultery is a very hard claim to successfully allege because there has to be hard proof that a relationship did occur. Speculation and hearsay do not qualify. A history of social media posts or messages by your ex discussing their relationship with another person can sometimes be used as evidence. However, sometimes this information alone is not enough. Since the bar is so high for proving adultery, it is best to sit down with an attorney and present the social media information you have to determine if it is enough.

Violation of An Agreement

If your divorce involves domestic violence or a perceived threat, you may have been issued a restraining order against your partner. If this is the case and your spouse has been reaching out to you via social media, you can use this information to prove the violation of the restraining order. Just make sure you provide a divorce attorney with this proof right away so that the violation is documented in the divorce record and the necessary legal action is taken to prevent further contact.

The Tables Can Turn

The same way you can use social media to collect information about your spouse, they can also collect information about you. To safeguard yourself should the table turn, you should do more than unfriend your spouse or set your account to private. You are likely to have friends in common, which means your information is still accessible. It is best to monitor what you post online and, in some instances, temporarily deactivate the account.

Your divorce settlement is largely contingent on your ability to prove your claims. Do not underestimate the expertise an attorney can bring to your pursuit of evidence through social media or any other platform.